The Mysterious Case of the Color Code for Red not working with Git-Bash.exe in Git for Windows
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The Mysterious Case of the Color Code for Red not working with Git-Bash.exe in Git for Windows

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Have you ever found yourself stuck in a situation where the color code for red simply refuses to work with Git-Bash.exe in Git for Windows? Well, you’re not alone! In this article, we’ll delve into the world of Git and Windows, exploring the reasons behind this phenomenon and providing you with clear, step-by-step instructions to get those red colors working again.

The Problem: Color Code for Red not Evaluated

When working with Git, you might have noticed that certain commands, such as git status or git log, don’t display the expected red color for errors or warnings. Instead, the output appears in plain white text, making it difficult to distinguish between different types of output.

The primary culprit behind this issue is the way Git-Bash.exe handles ANSI escape codes, which are used to control the color and formatting of terminal output.

ANSI Escape Codes: A Brief Overview

ANSI escape codes are a set of characters used to control the appearance of text in terminals. They’re composed of a sequence of characters starting with the ESCAPE character (ASCII code 27) followed by a series of numbers and letters that specify the desired action.

Escape Code Description
\e[30m Set text color to black
\e[31m Set text color to red
\e[32m Set text color to green
\e[0m Reset text color to default

Solution 1: Enable ANSI Escape Codes in Git-Bash.exe

The most straightforward solution is to enable ANSI escape codes in Git-Bash.exe itself.

  1. Open Git-Bash.exe and type echo $TERM to check the current terminal type.
  2. If the output is not xterm, type export TERM=xterm to set the terminal type to xterm.
  3. Verify that ANSI escape codes are enabled by running echo -e "\e[31mRed text\e[0m". If the text appears red, you’re good to go!

Solution 2: Use the Git Config File

Another approach is to configure Git to use a specific color scheme for its output.

Create a new file called .gitconfig in your home directory (C:\Users\) with the following content:

  color.ui = always
  ui = auto
  branch = auto
  diff = auto
  status = auto

Save the file and restart Git-Bash.exe. Now, when you run git status or git log, you should see the expected red color for errors and warnings.

Solution 3: Use a Third-Party Terminal Emulator

If the above solutions don’t work for you, consider using a third-party terminal emulator like Cmder or ConEmu. These emulators provide better support for ANSI escape codes and can help resolve the color code issue.

For Cmder:

  1. Download and install Cmder from the official website.
  2. Launch Cmder and type git config --global core.ui true to enable color output.
  3. Verify that ANSI escape codes are working by running echo -e "\e[31mRed text\e[0m".

For ConEmu:

  1. Download and install ConEmu from the official website.
  2. Launch ConEmu and create a new task for Git-Bash.exe.
  3. In the task settings, enable the “Inject ConEmuHk” option.
  4. Verify that ANSI escape codes are working by running echo -e "\e[31mRed text\e[0m".


The mystery of the missing red color code in Git-Bash.exe has been solved! By enabling ANSI escape codes, configuring the Git config file, or using a third-party terminal emulator, you can get those red colors working again.

Remember, when working with Git, it’s essential to understand the underlying mechanisms that control the terminal output. By mastering these subtleties, you’ll become a Git ninja, effortlessly navigating the world of version control.

Happy coding, and may the colors be ever in your favor!

  • Keywords: Color code for red, Git-Bash.exe, Git for Windows, ANSI escape codes, terminal emulator
  • Related topics: Git configuration, terminal customization, color schemes

Frequently Asked Question

If you’re stuck with the “color code for red is not evaluated with git-bash.exe in Git for Windows” issue, don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Here are some frequently asked questions and answers to help you troubleshoot the problem.

Q1: What causes the color code for red to not be evaluated with git-bash.exe in Git for Windows?

The issue is likely due to the fact that Git Bash for Windows uses a different escape character sequence than traditional Unix-like systems. The color code for red, which is usually represented as `\e[31m`, is not being interpreted correctly by Git Bash.

Q2: How can I fix the color code issue in Git Bash for Windows?

You can fix the issue by using the `–color` flag when running Git commands. For example, `git –color status` will display the status with colors. You can also add the `color.ui` configuration variable to your Git config file using `git config –global color.ui true`.

Q3: Why do I need to use the `–color` flag when running Git commands?

The `–color` flag tells Git to output colors even when the output is not going to a terminal. This is necessary because Git Bash for Windows does not set the `TERM` environment variable, which is required for Git to output colors.

Q4: Can I make the color code for red work without using the `–color` flag?

Yes, you can! You can set the `TERM` environment variable to a value that supports colors, such as `xterm-256color`, before running Git commands. You can do this by adding `export TERM=xterm-256color` to your Git Bash configuration file (`~/.bashrc` or `~/.bash_profile`).

Q5: Are there any other color-related issues I should be aware of when using Git Bash for Windows?

Yes, you should be aware that some Git plugins and scripts may not work correctly with Git Bash for Windows due to differences in how colors are handled. You may need to modify these plugins or scripts to work correctly with Git Bash.

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