Solving the Infamous “Failed in listFilteredFiles” Error: A Comprehensive Guide
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Solving the Infamous “Failed in listFilteredFiles” Error: A Comprehensive Guide

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Are you tired of banging your head against the wall trying to figure out why your Control-M AFT job keeps failing with the dreaded “Failed in listFilteredFiles” error, accompanied by the equally frustrating “no such file or directory” message? Fear not, dear reader, for you are not alone. This article is here to walk you through the troubleshooting process, provide explanations, and offer solutions to get your AFT job up and running smoothly.

Understanding the Error

The “Failed in listFilteredFiles” error typically occurs when Control-M AFT is unable to access or locate the specified files or directories. This can be due to a myriad of reasons, including permission issues, incorrect directory paths, and even file system limitations. But don’t worry, we’ll dive into each possible cause and provide step-by-step instructions to resolve the issue.

Verify Permissions and Directory Paths

Before we dive into the more complex troubleshooting steps, let’s start with the basics. Ensure that the Control-M AFT agent has the necessary permissions to access the specified files and directories. Double-check that the directory paths are correct, including any subtleties like case sensitivity or special characters.

Verify that the Control-M AFT agent has read and execute permissions on the /opt/controlm/aft directory and its contents.

$ chmod -R 755 /opt/controlm/aft
$ chown -R controlm:controlm /opt/controlm/aft

Take a deep breath and retry the AFT job. If the error persists, proceed to the next step.

Check for File System Limitations

Control-M AFT is designed to work with various file systems, but sometimes limitations can arise. Check if the file system has any restrictions or limitations that might be causing the issue.

  • Verify that the file system is not full or nearly full, as this can prevent Control-M AFT from creating temporary files.
  • Check if the file system has any file name length limitations or restrictions on special characters.
  • Ensure that the file system supports the file types and formats used in the AFT job.

If you’ve checked all the boxes and the error still persists, it’s time to dig deeper.

Review AFT Job Configuration

Let’s take a closer look at the AFT job configuration to ensure that everything is set up correctly.

 Review the AFT job configuration file (e.g., aft_config.xml) to ensure that the file paths and patterns are correctly specified.


Verify that the file paths and patterns match the actual file locations and names. Pay attention to any wildcards or special characters used in the patterns.

Enable Debug Logging

To get more detailed information about the error, enable debug logging for the AFT job.

Add the following lines to the AFT job configuration file (e.g., aft_config.xml) to enable debug logging:


Rerun the AFT job and review the debug log file for more information about the error. Look for any clues about the specific file or directory causing the issue.

Isolate the Problematic File or Directory

Using the debug log file, try to identify the specific file or directory causing the error. Once you’ve isolated the problematic file or directory, you can proceed to the next steps.

From the debug log file, you find that the error occurs when processing the file /opt/controlm/aft/inbox/example.txt.

$ grep "Failed in listFilteredFiles" /opt/controlm/aft/logs/aft_debug.log
DEBUG [main] Failed in listFilteredFiles: /opt/controlm/aft/inbox/example.txt (No such file or directory)

Now that you’ve identified the problematic file or directory, let’s try to resolve the issue.

Resolve the Underlying Issue

Based on the error message and debug log information, resolve the underlying issue preventing Control-M AFT from accessing the file or directory.

  • If the file or directory does not exist, create it or modify the AFT job configuration to point to the correct location.
  • If the file or directory has permission issues, adjust the permissions or ownership accordingly.
  • If the file or directory has a naming issue, rename it to conform to the AFT job configuration patterns.
Create the missing directory /opt/controlm/aft/inbox and retry the AFT job.

$ mkdir -p /opt/controlm/aft/inbox

Rerun the AFT job, and with a bit of luck, the error should be resolved. If not, proceed to the next step.

Recreate the AFT Job

In some cases, recreating the AFT job from scratch can resolve the issue.

Recreate the AFT job using the Control-M AFT graphical user interface or command-line tools.

$ aft-create-job -n my_job -f /opt/controlm/aft/inbox/*.txt -t /opt/controlm/aft/outbox

Rerun the recreated AFT job, and hopefully, the error will be resolved.


By following this comprehensive guide, you should be able to resolve the “Failed in listFilteredFiles” error and get your Control-M AFT job up and running smoothly. Remember to verify permissions and directory paths, check for file system limitations, review AFT job configuration, enable debug logging, isolate the problematic file or directory, resolve the underlying issue, and recreate the AFT job if necessary.

Don’t let the “Failed in listFilteredFiles” error hold you back any longer. Take control of your Control-M AFT jobs and ensure seamless automation and orchestration of your business processes.

Common Errors Solutions
Permission issues Verify permissions, adjust permissions or ownership
Directory path issues Check directory paths, adjust file patterns
File system limitations Check file system limitations, adjust file types or formats
AFT job configuration issues Review AFT job configuration, adjust file paths and patterns
Debug logging issues Enable debug logging, review debug log file
Underlying file or directory issues Resolve underlying issue, recreate AFT job if necessary

By following this guide, you’ll be well-equipped to tackle the “Failed in listFilteredFiles” error and ensure your Control-M AFT jobs run smoothly and efficiently.

Additional Resources

For more information on Control-M AFT, including troubleshooting guides, documentation, and community forums, please visit the official BMC Control-M website.

Remember, with patience, persistence, and the right guidance, you can overcome even the most stubborn errors and ensure the success of your automation and orchestration efforts.

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Frequently Asked Question

If you’re struggling with Control-M AFT job failures, we’ve got you covered! Check out these frequently asked questions to get your job running smoothly again.

What does the error “Failed in listFilteredFiles” mean in Control-M AFT?

When you see the error “Failed in listFilteredFiles”, it typically indicates that Control-M AFT is unable to find the files specified in the job definition. This could be due to incorrect directory paths, file names, or even permissions issues.

Why am I getting a “no such file or directory” error despite having correct permissions and directory paths?

This error can be misleading! Even with correct permissions and directory paths, the “no such file or directory” error can occur if the file or directory doesn’t exist at the time of job execution. Check if the file or directory is being created dynamically, and if so, ensure it exists before the job runs.

How can I troubleshoot the “Failed in listFilteredFiles” error in Control-M AFT?

To troubleshoot this error, start by verifying the directory paths, file names, and permissions. Then, check the Control-M AFT logs for more detailed error messages. You can also try running the job manually to see if it succeeds, or use the Control-M AFT debug mode to get more insights into the issue.

Can I use wildcards in the file path to avoid the “Failed in listFilteredFiles” error?

Yes, you can use wildcards in the file path to make your job more flexible! Control-M AFT supports wildcards like “*” and “?” to match multiple files or directories. Just ensure you’re using the correct syntax and that the wildcard pattern matches the expected file or directory names.

Are there any best practices to avoid the “Failed in listFilteredFiles” error in Control-M AFT?

Absolutely! To avoid this error, always use absolute directory paths, ensure file and directory names match the job definition, and verify permissions before running the job. Additionally, consider using a dummy file or directory to test the job configuration before running it in production.

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